Luciano Galone is a researcher of the Department of Geosciences University of Malta, Msida (Malta). He participates to department projects on geophysics and geomatics applied to archaeology, geology and engineering geology. His main competences in Geophysic field, are on data acquisition, processing and interpretation of GPR, ERT, active and passive seismic and magnetometry data. In Geomatics, he works on data acquisition, processing and interpretation of UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry, UAV lidar, Thermal images, UAV multi spectral images, satellite images, topographical data from GNSS. Geological and geomorphological field surveys. GIS applied to different cases of studies related with geology, geomorphology, geological engineering and archaeology in Malta and Italy.
Previously, he worked as Geology technician at the Private Institute for Climate Change Research, Escuintla, Guatemala. CICODE Internship (University of Granada) (2019), and Teaching assistant on Fundamentals of geology at the University of La Plata (Argentina) (2019).
Near-surface geophysical and geomatics study of the Three Countries Park (BE-NL-DE): 3-8/10/2022
Galone’s mission is to investigate the Montagne St. Pierre underground landscape from a multidisciplinary point of view, generating digital models that will help the better characterization of this underground heritage. Specifically, he’s applying geomatic techniques to digitally reconstruct the terrain of selected areas of the park, by using UAV and terrestrial photogrammetric methods. In addition, he carried out different non-invasive geophysical techniques to investigate the subsurface of the terrain, and to map site tunnels and generate images of its geophysical properties.