14-18 March 2022
The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
After a successful ICAS-EMME 2 in November 2019 The Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of the Cyprus Institute is pleased to announce the dates for the 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME 3). The congress will be hosted at the Cyprus Institute from 14 to 18 March 2022, co-organised by STARC, CAARI (Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute) and the ARU (Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus).
This international congress aims to highlight recent advances in natural, material and computational science applications to archaeology and cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, and to provide an international academic forum for dissemination of results of current research in these fields in the region. The congress is addressed to the international scientific community of archaeologists, archaeological & heritage scientists, and researchers applying natural, material and computational science methods to archaeology and cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.
Sessions within the congress will include the following:
- An Environmental History of ancient Cyprus: landscapes, plants and animals through time
- Mediterranean palaeomobility: written sources, material networks and skeletal data
- Copper metallurgy in the EMME
- Scientific Analysis of Ancient Glass in EMME region
- Interdisciplinary ceramic studies as proxies for approaching Eastern Mediterranean societies of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC
- Potting traditions of medieval and post-medieval Eastern Mediterranean
- Art Characterization
- Digital documentation of heritage and the participation of local communities
- Multimodal Digital Heritage Preservation in the EMME Region
- Modelling Settlement Transformations in the EMME region
- Graduate Research in Archaeological Sciences in the EMME region
- Moving and Mixing: Mobility, Theory and Provenance (round table)
- FAIR, BIG and Reliable analytical and digital data in Heritage research, conservation and public outreach (round table)
- Challenges and opportunities in Graduate Research in EMME region (round table)
Congress remit: Papers (podium or poster presentations) on all aspects of research using natural, material and computational science applications to archaeology and cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East are welcome. Problem oriented case studies, comparative studies, as well as papers addressing advances, problems and potential on regional and local scales are welcome. The geographical scope of the workshop is inclusive, encompassing the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans, the Middle East including Egypt and Libya, and Southwest Asia including Iran and the Gulf. The chronological scope ranges from the earliest prehistory to medieval and historical periods.
As with ICAS-EMME 2, we plan to publish the proceedings as a Special Issue in a renowned academic peer reviewed journal (please visit https://icasemme.cyi.ac.cy/proceedings-icasemme2 for the past Proceedings).
For further information email us: icasemme@cyi.ac.cy