University of Malta (MT) - ITC
Università Politecnica delle Marche (IT)
The WG reviews literatures on the link between UBH, CH and sustainable tourism, urban and rural regeneration, creative industry development, cultural entrepreneurship. It defines the methodological baseline for the community-based development strategies, identifies main research questions, and contributes to the case studies assessment preparation. Then, it analyses case studies results, compares them to the baseline, and then revises methodology, questions and results. Considering the WG nature, it privileges the interaction with local firms, practitioners, and customers, taking into account case studies and local contexts’ diversities, especially in terms of economic, institutional and human capital. Mechanisms for collaborative schemes will also be studied to understand the nature and the role of each partner involved in the process of building. The WG contributes to the training school modules preparation by revising the material on a yearly basis and finally publishing the results.
WG3 meeting, leaded by Shirley Cefai and Ernesto Marcheggiani, discussed about the action goals, and in particular the issue of the survey and how the Action should progress with filling in the survey. Discussions went in the direction of how the case studies should be selected and what information should be given. Aim of meeting was meant to be directed towards what the theoretical framework of WG3 should be. The WG3 will continue communication via skype so as to formulate the theoretical framework. In particular, the main problems are:
Some proposed sentences to develop into themes up-taken by WG3:
Presentation WG3 Ancona Summary of WG3
Action Chair: Giuseppe Pace
Action Vice Chair: Susana Martinez-Rodriguez
Science Communication Manager: Tony Cassar
Grant Holder Manager: Patricia Sclafani
Webmaster: Olga Lo Presti
Webdesign by Digitisation Department at