U4V Toolbox

Welcome to the U4V Toolbox!

This Toolbox is a collection of recommended methodologies and workflows, case studies, reference documents, external web sites and other supporting materials, guidance documents and best practice documents that gives to the users a feel of what can be achieved in their own and helps addressing issues with a fraction of the cost.

U4V Toolbox has 8 flexible building blocks to help communities to develop their specific social practices and find their way for valorising their Underground Built Heritage.

The methodology, based on the Strategic Transition Practice (STP), aims at facilitating an ongoing dialogue between professionals and citizens. However, being each site and community at different level of maturity, the process must be flexible and is not mandatory to start from Block 1, but the user could start from any block.

  • The figure shows a circular path, based on the STP Approach 

It includes a main path, legal basis for different countries, and a wide range of open access tools developed by COST action CA18110 Underground4value partners, which are free resources that local communities can use to assist the development of new initiatives or implementing existing projects.


This is only a beta release and we’re still working for making it an interactive tool.

Preliminary Phase


Start-up Phase


Operational Phase


Reflective Phase​