The work focus of Working Group 2 – UBH Conservation & Monitoring – is the technologies enabling the monitoring and diagnosis of UBH in a non-invasive manner. A published paper is presented during the Lisbon Meeting on October 13-15th 2021, (data link of the paper: Publication: Torresani, A., Menna, F., Battisti, R., Remondino, F., 2021. A V-SLAM Guided and Portable System for Photogrammetric Applications. Remote Sensing, 13(12), 2351).
Portable 3D mapping systems, cracks, and water leakage sensors, tools for simulating changes in material characteristics due to climatic effects, assessment protocols for the possible uses of UBH sites, imaging in different spectral ranges, virtual platforms for the valorization and preventive conservation, are some of the technologies used among others.
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