The STSM in the Dolmen de Antelas and Dolmen do Carapito was carried out by Maria del Carmen Solano Báez, motivated to know the memories and relation of the local community with the underground heritage. The host institution is the University of Aveiro, while the researcher comes from the Observatory of Rural and Local Development. Murcia, Spain. The mission took place in November 2020 in Oliviera de Frades (on-site) and Aguiar da Beira (online), respectively, under strong pandemic restrictions.
The scope of the STSM was to achieve a holistic vision of the process of valorisation of the tangible and intangible heritage as well as the involvement and empowering of the local community in the context of the megalithic tourist route ‘Rota do Megalitismo da Região Viseu Dão Lafões e Sever do Vouga’.
As a result of the mission, the local population become more aware of the importance of their heritage as the research was conducted in the difficult context of the pandemic, proving to be part of a collective commitment to work on heritage preservation. It was also revealed that in Antelas the population have memories of the first and second excavations and therefore the importance of the Dolmen. Taking the aforementioned ideas into account, nine photographs of the excavation process carried out in 1993 were obtained. This material is significant because it was unknown how the restoration process was carried out in Antelas. The community was involved in both the recovery and the construction of the heritage memory.